Closing date for survivors to register with the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care

Tuesday 28 February 2023 will be the last day survivors can register to have their accounts heard by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.

The Commission is looking into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults while in the care of the State or faith-based institutions, mainly between the years 1950-1999.

Before the end of April every effort will be made to hear the accounts of all survivors who register with the Royal Commission.

To date the Commission has received more than 3,500 registrations from survivors, and many have come forward to share their experiences. The experiences shared are helping them to write their final report and recommendations.

For more information on registration, and the process once registrations close, see Pānui - Survivor Registrations to close Tuesday 28 February.

Over the next four months, the Royal Commission will be focussed on preparing the St John of God / Marylands School case study report, and the findings and recommendations for its final report to the Governor General by 30 June 2023.