Disability, home and family - invitation to take part in DBI research

Easy Read: Disability, home and family in a multicultural context: Easy Read advert [PDF]
Audio: Disability, home and family in a multicultural context: audio advert
Large Print: Disability, home and family in a multicultural context: Large Print advert [Word Doc]
NZSL: - Disability, Home and Family in a Multicultural Context Participant Information Sheet: NZSL

Article 23 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Respect for Home and the Family) tells us that disabled people have a right to a home and family. But what does this mean in the context of modern-day Aotearoa New Zealand?

You are invited by the Donald Beasley Institute (DBI) to participate in a questionnaire about disabled people’s experiences of home and family in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Aotearoa New Zealand is home to many diverse peoples, each with a unique understanding of ‘home’ and ‘family’. But the way we think about home and family has evolved over time, with families taking on many shapes and forms.

In this study DBI want to ask disabled people and their family/whānau/aiga what they think about their right to home and family, and what respecting this right means in modern day Aotearoa New Zealand.

The questionnaire will take approximately 30 - 60 minutes to complete, depending on how much you want to share. Participation is anonymous and confidential, and you are not required to provide any identifying information. You can choose to provide your contact details if you wish to enter a draw for a $100 voucher.

To be eligible to participate in this study, you must be 18 years of age or older, identify as disabled or the family/whānau/aiga/support person of a disabled person, and be able to provide informed consent.

To find out more about the research, including the Participant Information Sheet and Questionnaire in Easy Read, New Zealand Sign Language, Word Doc (Large Print) and audio, see the DBI website Disability, Home and Family in a Multicultural Context page.

Or you can go directly to the online DBI questionnaire.