DPA submission – EQC Code of Insured Persons Rights

We made a submission to the Earthquake Commission about the Code of Insured Persons Rights.

The Code will set the standard of service that insured people can expect from Toka Tū Ake EQC and anyone working on our behalf to manage and settle claims after a natural hazard event, such as an earthquake or landslide. 

The recommendations in our submission focused on accessibility, including that the code clarify the right to accessible information for disabled people and that clients receive services in ways that are accessible and flexible for them.

We also included a recommendation that there is full respect for the autonomy of each customer, including respect for whatever decisions a client makes about any claim be added, as well as one about enabling clients to nominate someone to engage with Toku Tū Ake on their behalf.

Read the full DPA submission to the EQC, Code of Insured Persons Rights.