DPA submission - Inquiry into the future of inter-regional passenger rail

DPA has made a submission to the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee on the Inquiry into the future of inter-regional passenger rail in New Zealand.

DPA supports the reinvigoration of an inter-regional rail network within New Zealand.

Any inter-regional network must be fully accessible, affordable and reliable, particularly for disabled people and other transport disadvantaged groups. A good rail network must incorporate elements of universal design-based accessibility throughout to enable everyone, including disabled people, the opportunity to access it.

DPA made recommendations around the accessibility of all aspects of the rail service including information, carriage design and station design. We recommend that rail staff complete mandatory disability responsiveness and awareness training, and that Total Mobility coverage is extended to rail services as part of an interregional rail transport strategy.

Read the full DPA submission on the Inquiry into the future of inter-regional passenger rail [Word Doc]