DPA Waikato Disability Forum

You are invited to join DPA's next Waikato Disability Forum on 15 August.

Holly Snape is leading the community connections strategy for the Waikato Plan and will discuss the plan with us.

In the second half two people from Enabling Good Lives (EGL) Waikato will come and talk about what they do and how the use the EGL approach to do their work.

When: 4-6pm, Monday 15 August 2022
Where: Online
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88109766598?pwd=SmYvZzAvTDRsR3lNQWt3bjkwRTlXUT09
Meeting ID: 881 0976 6598
Passcode: 824763

Sign language interpreters will be available.