DPA welcome new staff member Ayla Naidoo

We welcome Ayla Naidoo who joins DPA's Mahi Tika – Equity in Employment team.

Kia ora koutou,

My name is Ayla, and I am super stoked to be joining the amazing team here at Mahi Tika - Equity in Employment.

I am a sixth year (I know right!) Law, Psychology and Sociology student, and I am passionate about Human Rights, Social Justice, and advocating for equality through equity.

In my role as a Manaaki, I am hoping to support disabled people in their employment journey.

I was born in Zimbabwe, and have now been in Aotearoa New Zealand for the past 20 years, becoming our home away from home. I live in the beautiful Whakatāne where the sun is (usually) always shining, enjoying quality time with my whānau and my pet Maltese-Shihtzu. I enjoying being out in nature, knitting, reading, and a good book or two.

I am inspired by the work that Mahi Tika - Equity in Employment and DPA do, and am excited to be a part of change through your meaningful mahi.

Ngā manaakitanga | Many blessings,
