Youth mental health and wellbeing hui

Te Hiringa Mahara (the Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission) is developing a project focused on better understanding what is driving youth mental health and wellbeing, and in particular what young people have identified as important to them, based on their own experiences.

The project’s goal is to broaden the public conversation about mental distress in young people by sharing more evidence on social determinants of mental health, and to support young people to share their perspectives on what needs to change to improve their wellbeing.

How you can be involved
They are keen to hear more from young disabled people, including parents and caregivers of young people with high and complex needs, about what’s on top for them, and what they would most like to see change or improved to get better outcomes for them and their community. They would particularly like to hear from people about four key themes that they’ve taken from what young people have already shared with government and decision makers. These are

  • Future fears
  • Racism and discrimination
  • Social media and safety online
  • Intergenerational connect and whānau support

When: 11am - 1pm Tuesday 26 July
Where: Zoom

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