This upcoming Thursday, DPA are holding an online hui for our members who identify as women or as gender diverse people.

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has reiterated the need for intersectional voices stating: “Women with disabilities should be part of the leadership of organisations of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with men with disabilities and be given space and power within umbrella organisations of persons with disabilities through parity representation, women's committees, empowerment programmes, etc.”

Join us to discuss how DPA can support the empowerment and representation of members who identify as women or as gender diverse people.

When: 5pm-6.30pm Thursday 12 August
Where: Zoom  
RSVP: Please RSVP to for the Zoom link

  • This hui will be facilitated by DPA Women’s Focus Kaituitui Claudia Christensen
  • NZSL interpreters will be present at this event
  • This is a national event, members from around the country are invited to attend

Do you want to join in but are not a DPA member? Joining is easy and free – go to to sign up.