Photo description: head and shoulder image of Kera, a Māori woman with long black hair and a dark blue shirt with white dots, and wide-rimmed black glasses. Kera is relaxed and looking at the camera, there is a house plant in the background.
Tēnā koutou,
I’d like to firstly extend a mihi of thanks to all our members, staff, and NEC for your contributions to DPA, and in particular to the successful AGM last week.
I’d like to especially recognise Immediate Past President, Joanne Dacombe for her leadership and for her support as I move into this role.
Tēnei kā mihi nui kia koutou – thank you all.
Right now there is no shortage of important kaupapa for us to tackle as a community to uphold our rights.
But it’s also clear there is no shortage of passion amongst our membership and our team to tackle these issues together.
This year I’m looking forward to working more closely with members, and aligning a Constitution that DPA can be proud of - recognising the foundational mahi of generations before us, and looking to the future for the generations that come after us.
Kā mihi maioha,
Kera Sherwood-O’Regan