CCS Disability Action and DPA are working together on an Election Scorecard that will collate where each political party stands on key disability policies in the lead up to the 2023 General Election.
All policies have an impact on the disabled community. However, we sent each party nine questions about policies that have been top of mind for disabled people recently.
The Election Scorecard will show whether the party indicated yes, no, or undecided to each of the questions we sent. It will also indicate whether the party chose not to respond.
We are expecting to have responses in time to share the Election Scorecard in mid-September.
The questions for political parties
- Does your party commit to a rewrite of the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill that is in co-design with disabled people and includes enforceable accessibility standards?
- Does your party commit to significantly increasing both the Disability Allowance and Child Disability Allowance?
- Does your party commit to setting a date by which all public transport in New Zealand will be accessible?
- Does your party commit to introducing regulations to ensure public housing and private residential new builds meet Lifemark Universal Design standards?
- Does your party commit to resourcing and implementing the actions within Te Aorerekura: National Strategy for Eliminating Family Violence and Sexual Violence Action Plan?
- Does your party commit to upholding all necessary measures to ensure the safety and protection of disabled people in preparing for and during natural disasters?
- Does your party commit to upholding the leadership of disabled people and our representative organisations in emergency response and climate adaptation?
- Does your party commit to enforcing the right of all children and young people to attend their local school with appropriate funding and support?
- Does your party commit to widening the eligibility criteria and increasing the funding allocation of Job and Training Support Funds?