We would like to acknowledge the impact of the sudden changes to the purchasing rules for disability support and to Equipment Modification Services (EMS) announced this week by Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People.

Since the announcement, we have been hearing from many disabled people concerned about the effect these changes will have on them and their families and whānau.

The way that these changes were communicated to our community with no consultation or warning was appalling and has caused alarm and distress to many, fearful of what these changes may mean and scrambling for information.

The announcement set out boundaries on what support funding can be used for and the way this is worded means it will impact on the ability of many disabled people and support providers to apply flexibility in seeking solutions to individual situations.

At DPA, we are concerned that a prescriptive, rule-based approach will not work – it takes away choice and control and flexibility of funding – which is a direct contradiction of the principles of Enabling Good Lives.

We will be looking for clarity and dialogue about what the changes mean with Whaikaha as soon as possible.

To support this dialogue, we are running a survey to find out how you and your family/whānau are affected by these changes. 

Complete the DPA survey about changes to disability support and EMS.

You are welcome to email us if you prefer at: info@dpa.org.nz 

You can also sign the petition Reevaluate the Recent Changes to Whaikaha Purchasing Guidelines for Individualised Funding petition.