At Alert Level 4 if you do need to leave your home, it is recommended that you wear a face covering and keep 2 metres distance from others.

You legally must wear a face covering if you are a customer or an employee involving customer contact at a business or service operating at Alert Level 4.

This means, you will need to wear a face covering:

  • on public transport and at departure points, for example train stations and bus stops
  • on flights
  • in taxi or ride-share vehicles — drivers and passengers
  • when visiting healthcare facilities
  • inside any Alert Level 4 businesses and services that are still open and involve customer contact, including supermarkets, pharmacies and petrol stations.

Face Mask Exemptions

The Ministry of Health have confirmed that exemptions for face masks / coverings remain in place.

If you have a disability or health condition and you can’t wear a face covering safely or comfortably, you are exempt from wearing one.

The Ministry of Health have developed an Exemption Card specifically for those who cannot wear face coverings safely or comfortably due to a disability or health condition.

Feedback from Exemption Card users so far is that supermarket workers don't seem to know about the exemptions yet, but have been understanding once having the exemption explained and being shown the card. Please do keep sending us your feedback!

If you are unable to wear a face covering and would like us to send you an Exemption Card, please email

For more information on face coverings, visit: